Customer Testimonials

The Lost World Reptile Store offers entertaining presentations to meet any need. Whether you want an exciting birthday party, school presentation or corporate event, The Lost World Reptile Store is YOUR source for an educational and memorable experience that you won't forget.

We Promise.
" My daughter's Lost World Reptile Party was Amazing!! The children learned so much and have been talking about the party all week. The reptile gift bags were just great. Thank-you so much!"

- A. Mavis 
"I was a little unsure about having an alligator in my house, but the staff at The Lost World made the whole experience great! We had such a blast!"

- J. Miltonson
" The whole class enjoyed the demonstration. The presenters were so friendly and informative."

- H. Johns
Birthday Party
Our Birthday Parties are designed to give the participants the opportunity to explore the world of reptiles with a hands on demonstration that is fun and informative.
We also offer reptile themed gift packs for your party. Gift packs include:
- Reptile themed toys
- Candy
- Lost World Gift Card

Price: $150.00
Reptile Gift Packs: $2.50 ea

Recreational Facility
Our recreational demonstrations are great for camps, malls, youth centers and more! Designed for a larger audience, this package is an excellent addition to any event. Whether it's a long weekend at a mall or a fun day at camp, The Lost World Reptile Show will be sure to amaze.

Price: $150.00

Educational Facility
Our educational presentations are a great addition to any classroom. Whether it's intended to compliment the curriculum or for a day of reptile fun, our presentations guarantee a fun and educational way to learn about the exciting world of reptiles!

Price: $150.00

There are no restrictions on audience size for ANY EVENT. We want as many people as possible to Experience The World of Reptiles. Travel fees apply for locations outside of Orillia.

The Reptile Guest List
You can rest assured that there will always be a wide variety of party animals at your special event. We always bring a guest list of 15-20 different snakes, lizards, turtles, geckos and more including:
- Large Boa
- Large Lizard
- Alligator Snapping Turtle
- 4+ Foot Green Iguana
- 10 ft Python
- Various snakes
- Various Lizards
Everyone always has the option of getting hands on with most of the reptiles (including the big ones) and taking as many photos as these wish.

